jeudi 12 novembre 2015

8th november 2015 - The end of a tier – Will Nefarian fall? (part 1)

That night I wanted to raid. I knew the guild was already 6/8 in BWL from thursday's raid. That meant Chrommagus was next and we had already killed him once, so it was fairly probable that he would die again. … That would mean the first night on Nefarian, the current tier's last boss. I can't miss that, I'm a raider, some would say it's in my blood, my flesh. I have to fight him, and I know the first kill is not anything like other kills. It matters.

Obviously I dreaded having to come at 20:00 ST when the raiding starts at 19:30 ST (most of the time I can't come earlier because of social reasons, they've been kind enough to accept me nevertheless). That's 30 minutes of every raid that I miss. 30 more reasons to be benched and replaced by some other random warlock, or worst (mages, I am looking at you, you dps monsters). That's also no dragonslayer buff for me and 30 minutes during which any boss can die. Including perhaps Nefarian. What do I know? Maybe he's not as strong as they say. I can't tell until I've got some tries on him.

Chrommy hit the ground last week, what tells me he won't this one?

Well guess what? Family members ended up coming later, things got delayed and at 20:20 I would still have been busy had I not decided to abruptly leave (I dislike doing that, but I dislike more making 39 players wait on someone). Luckily I was prepared with Teamspeak (TS) on and the game already launched, my required consumables in the bags, standing in Orgrimmar with a ready hearthstone set to Kargath (thank god, I kept forgetting to set it there during the first 2 raids and felt ashamed of it). Alas, the raid slots were filled. 

No Nefarian for me, let's go sleep and end of the story? Nope, not my style, I decided to go ahead and wait, hoping for the best and listening to their progress on TS. Honestly, it could have been a really crappy idea if they had come to Nefarian and killed it without me. 

But that night would not be the night where I would feel left out. [Part 2]

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