samedi 2 janvier 2016

Idea : Rent a tank

Full SFK group after 2x tries on different days and 45 minutes of whispering/asking.
Many players are still leveling and doing dungeons, yet sometimes they don't have a tank or have trouble finding one. Asking on the world channel, on guild chat and whispering players of the appropriate level range can help, but it is not always enough. As an example, when I did RFC, WC, BFD and SFK on my hunter alt at the end of December it took about 5 hours total to make those groups and start the dungeons.

What if it was possible to rent a tank at any hour?

Someone (or many different players, perhaps with some kind of incentive or reward for making it) could make an account and create a level X tank (warrior, druid), with green gear and empty small bags and then use the command to block experience gain. The account could then be freely shared with players that would like to use it with some system to prevent abuses (eg: depositing Y gold/items before using it, required pledge/referral from a high-level character, posting on the forums with an in-game screenshot of the character that would like to play it, etc.).

Once the dungeon run has been done the password of the account would be changed and the offer would be up again.


[See other articles about vanilla wow and Kronos]

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