vendredi 12 février 2016

Videos of retail sources for vanilla wow raids - AQ 20

This is a depository of the Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj (AQ 20) raid boss videos from classic "vanilla" World of Warcraft.


General Rajaxx
Buru the Gorger
Ayamiss the Hunter
Ossirian the Unscarred

Sept 2006, mage, trash before Kuri, Rajaxx event
March 2006, warlock, trash before Kuri
July 2006, hunter, solo larva
Nov 2006, warrior, tank/dps, first 4 bosses
Sept 2006, mage, Moam's trash
AQ release Sept 2006, mage, Emissary Roman'Khan
Classic, mage, Emissary Roman'khan
(year?) Warlock, Emissary Roman'khan + CL
2006, rogue, (Stormreaver)
2006, hunter, Qiraj General Pax, Regal + CL
July 2006, mage, Pax-lish, generals in Tanaris
2006, dragons opening the gate event
Feb 2006, opening event at the gates
2006, opening event
2006, mage, misc
2006, misc 
Feb 2006, Eranikus event
May 2006, Eranikus event 2
Feb 2006, Eranikus in Moonglade event
Fev 2006, priest, opening event at doors
Feb 2006, warlock, Qiraj lieutenant, Supreme farm
2006, paladin, healer, Eranikus (+)
May 2006, pillars in low-level zones
2006, hunter, misc + ventrilo comments (4 parts)
March 2006, paladin, Colossal Anubissath / Part 2
Mage, twillight corrupter and AQ questline (year?)
2006, warrior Setis (rare)
March 2006, druid farming Barrens qiraj spawns
Low-level creatures?

Suggestions and further video links are welcome in the comments.

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