samedi 7 octobre 2017

Kronos Scourge invasion

The Kronos Scourge invasion is on us and I couldn't resist giving it a look. Which means logging on, getting the 2x quest items from my mailbox (one of which is bugged and shouldn't have been sent) and running to the Eastern Plaguelands... Where I could clearly see a skull by browsing the world map yet couldn't find any flying ziggurat or scourge crystals. Also one of the Scourge invasion questgivers had a ? question mark even though I didn't have his quest (I couldn't complete it anyway). On Oct 6th I was told we had already killed 25 "waves" of scourge.

Good news is that I did end up finding the crystals in the Burning Steppes. And quite some bit of Alliance farming them (are you stacking oils for Naxxramas?).

Luckily most of them focused on the scourge and not on me. As described in a bugreport, I did not see any necropolis flying in the sky. All scourge creatures are missing their money loot. Killing scourge creatures does lead to flying spells hitting the crystal (which cannot be selected... but probably should) but it also keeps me in combat because reasons.

90% of what happens during this invasion

Scourge minions melee hit me for roughly 70/hit (reduced), which would mean 88/hit or so unreduced, which looks too low. Doesn't seem to be much for me with this event unfortunately... maybe I will farm some for reputation until revered (that'd mean less arcane crystals to buy).

Unfair world, mages can kill 50 or so of those in 20 seconds. Say hello to vanilla.
I have yet to see some scourge in Undercity and couldn't find a group to fight a Shadow of Doom. It's interesting to see how this event seems very small and unimportant to me now yet felt much different back in 2006.

... On a 100% unrelated note my roughly 2 years old report about Gahz'ranka's slam hitting for roughly 10x too much damage is now #confirmed, yey!