Leveling my hunter, Banktekai to level 60 has been a lot of fun for me, I did my last 30 levels during the one-time experience bonus event this year, with a very relaxed attitude, I didn't rush anything, I really did it the slow and steady way. It was incredible, as if a completely different experience than my experience with Tekai (my first level 60 character and main, a warlock).
The last dungeon Banktekai did, with some chinese players. Unfortunately we couldn't go past the low-health dwarves before the King. |
Unfortunately, while this taught me that I love leveling hunters in vanilla (and dislike leveling warlocks) I also found out that playing a hunter at level 60 isn't for me, I just can't get to like the playstyle, again I find myself auto-attacking most of the time and I feel like I don't have much responsibility or use in raids and dungeons (although off-tanking and kiting are nice bonuses). Surely I am not very good at it, but regardless, I can't connect with the class.
Luckily Twinstar allows players to sell their characters for stars. This means that I have the opportunity to sell Banktekai and buy some other classes, which I might like more, without having to level them again. Or I could buy a couple level 35 characters to use as arcanite/mooncloth making mules.
I was initially quite skeptical of the process, do players really buy those characters? Am I going to make a substantial amount of stars by selling it? How much do I sell my character for? Am I not losing my hunter in the process?
Current level 60 character prices on the Twinstar auction house. |
I started making some comparisons. Level 60 characters had prices varying from 6000 to 25000 (maximum possible), roughly an average of 8000 stars for a character. I knew my hunter had only green level 50+ items (not very interesting), 300/300 alchemy and 300/300 herbalism (fairly easy and not worth a lot to level, but nice to make some gold) as such I considered it was worth around the average. I put it for sale for 7500-8000 stars, after 4 days I had to put it again, but this time for 7000-7500 stars and someone bought it. I now have 7125 stars. Considering how fast it was sold I guess its worth was a bit over what I got from it, but that's okay for me as I wasn't playing it anyway.
Interestingly assuming players buy your characters, it means that to buy a level 60 you should sell about 7x level 20 characters (average price around 800-1000). Joana did it in 10 hours on her hunter, so this would mean roughly 3 days of /played total, that's much less than what most players need to get to level 60. Just an idea.
I don't know what to think of this yet but I am very happy at the opportunities I now have to start over on another class. And apparently players do buy characters every now and then.
[See other articles about Vanilla]
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