Regardless, we can still be active, here is a couple options :
- Offer your help if you haven't already and you have knowledge and/or a background in internet server security, if you are a network engineer or something alike.
- Apply as a gamemaster, bugtester, developer or artist if you have the required skills, the time and motivation. The server is always looking for competent individuals, whether it is online or not.
- Spend some time reading about DDoS attacks, how they work, what they are, how they can be fixed. Defeated made a great post about it, there are youtube videos and posts by Cloudflare on this subject. Better yet, if you can, try to help the community better understand the complex issue at hand with knowledge.
- Send or post supporting messages / pictures for the team, either on Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, the Kronos Forums, etc. (but try to keep them on a single thread)
- Contribute to the bugtracker. A lot of issues still need further information or details. When the server will be back up this will help making bufixes faster and the server better.
- Sign the classic server petition if you haven't already. Talk about it. We haven't forgotten about it, nor have we forgotten about private servers, this is still an open-discussion.
- Fill the survey about classic and private servers that Nostalrius is doing. If Blizzard offered classic realms all of this likely wouldn't happen in the first place. Contribute to the discussion on the official threads or tweets.
- Write, complete or group vanilla guides, addons, etc. Is there one you wished you had found out? Or one that is missing? Improvements you would like to make? Are you playing a unusual spec? How about giving tips for others?
- Discuss ideas for when the servers will be back up. Why not make a great meeting?
- Blog or tweet about private servers, write about it, how did you feel when the server was up? Why? What made it fun? How do you feel now? Why?
- Donate to the server.
- Share further ideas on how to spend time with the other members of Kronos. Add ideas to this list.