jeudi 14 avril 2016

BasicTranslator a tool (addon) to communicate between languages [WIP]

Since learning chinese is difficult for english players and talking english is difficult for chinese players I have decided to make a simple translation addon. It is meant for both sides (or everyone if you leave away this concept of sides), even if the main language on the server is english. If you don't want to use it, then you don't, simple as that. As I am not sure english clients can send chinese messages I have set it so that the middle-language is Pin Yin (written chinese with english letters), that many chinese know and learn without much trying.

I have an obvious lack of programming skills, I know I make a lot of simple mistakes and don't use functions at their best, a lot of stuff is redundant, I don't use localization libraries (and don't know how), etc. But hopefully some know better than me and can help me make corrections or lead me where I could find the solution. Otherwise, well at least this is a base to work from, I'll try my best.

The base idea is that the addon shows a list of sentences and words in the language of the game (so in english for most english players and in chinese for chinese players) with a simple drop-down menu interface. Upon clicking one sentence the player then says it in a different language.

Current interface. Clumsy but it does the job.

What happens when you click "Hello".

Interestingly I fought against chinese letters not displaying for over 3 days until I understood that I had to save the files in UTF-8. And it was the day I was releasing the addon that I got to know about Blizzard's addon kit.

*edit 21th april 2016* Initial release. The first version can be found here. I also posted it on the Kronos forums and a version is slowly making its way among the asian players through other mean (QQ and in-game mails mostly).

Things I want to add or change :

Movable menu, with location saved between sessions
Guide to make a correct LFM message on hovering LFM words
Send the translated message to the last active channel (say, party, raid, etc.)

Option to decide on which channel the message will be sent
Option to make multi-word messages, mixing many different words
Option to actually give an answer in chinese (assuming this is possible)
Options to select input/output languages
Modifying the code to use some localization database, anything else than my mess
Increased time to display tooltips before they fade 

Current bugs :

Chinese letters do not display on the interface/menu
Missing a lot of things (words, etc.)
Special channels can't yet be set (world, general, trade) 
Sub-menus only display themselves when SHIFT and CTRL are clicked

Suggestions are welcome. I am looking for a tester with an english client.

[See other articles about Vanilla]

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