dimanche 24 janvier 2016

How I make my interviews with players

While making player interviews on Kronos I have discovered that I much prefer doing that than many other activities. Some of those even proved better than raids! I thusly decided to make a guide about how I do them, should someone be interested in continuing this tradition.

Now, this is my way to do them. It is not the best, it is not the most effective but it works for me and results in some nice interviews I like reading and enjoyable conversations and that is what matters to me. Your experience will probably differ and you should feel free to change things around and adapt them to your needs and limitations.

First, the steps :
  1. Prepare the questions and a place to take notes (Google doc)
  2. Find some time
  3. Log on the character you want to make interviews from
  4. Select the population you are interested in
  5. Whisper players asking them if they want to participate
  6. Thank the player for whatever answer he gives
  7. Send questions and bonus questions
  8. Take notes
  9. Reply, add some personal views and anecdotes, have an exchange
  10. Thank the player again
  11. Put the interview on a google doc shared with comments
  12. Send the player an in game message with the Google doc link
  13. Discuss edits and comments on the Google doc (if any)
  14. Send a message with when it will be published
  15. Publish!
Here is a short pdf guide about it that sums things up : How to make  WoW player interviews

Now, for a couple more in-depth details and some illustrations...

1. My interviews consist of about 10 open-ended questions. I prefer to make them in a whisper exchange, not only is that more dynamic, it allows me to further develop some points and it makes the interview two-way thing. This means it can take anywhere from 20' to over an hour and because it can be difficult to find players again I like to finish it in one go.

2. While I have no proof I believe that being on your main character, especially if he is level 60 increases the chances that players will answer. Besides this is a proof of honesty, you are on your main character.

3. My wish was to select players that are unlikely to be on the forums (but if someone is interested I sometimes go with it regardless). This is why I prefer leveling players and those without guilds or in guilds I do not know much about. I had decided to get each level range and class so I found my players with /who 20-30 c-hunter and then I rolled the number of players to find which one I ask.

4. Copy the base message and then send it. I then wait about 5 minutes, if I get no answers I ask someone else. Be prepared to have many players not answering and not being interested. This is fine.

5. If the player answered then thank them, whatever their answer, it is already nice from them to have done that effort. Not everyone is interested in interviews or has the time for it. Copy / Paste the message. Either allow or refuse to make the interview only via email.

6. Copy and send the questions you have prepared. I prefer open-ended questions so that players can give their own points of view. My questions had multiple adjustements, refinements to make them more understandable, etc. I have some bonus questions that I do not always ask to add a surprise element and it gives me some diversity.

7. I try to write the full answers on a word document (you could do that directly on your google doc), sometimes I add questions on it that I would have liked to ask for further development. It is important to keep the wording and meaning as close to what the player said, remember, it is his interview, not yours. But you do have a way to write things. Think about the order of your questions, if they are too personal, too soon in the discussion or such. Try to make it dynamic and creative, with questions that are never exactly the same.Give time to answer.

8. Be careful not to influence too much what the player says (unless that is what you want), if you mention that you dislike PvP he could then go and talk about PvP but wouldn't have done it otherwise. Show empathy, comprehension, curiosity and never judge. And you are not a robot, so add some personal things, say when it is fun or sad or wierd or if you don't understand. If a player hates Kronos that is his right, I may not share the same views and beliefs of the different players I interview but I can understand he has those for reasons. Keep track of your own beliefs, feelings etc. Encourage. Be understanding, kind. If you have other questions during this exchange, do not hesitate to ask them. No wrong answer.

9. I thank the player again for his participation and efforts. I try to make it more personal with what details I liked most. I often add that they may whisper me again for questions or such.

10. Self-explanatory. I try to keep what the player initially said and not allow too many changes to stay true to his first impressions. Sometimes they want to add stuff or so.

Kronos world PvP status

When players remind about their vanilla experiences they often mention that :
The world felt alive, full of players, World PvP and Southshore PvP happened
Kronos has on average about 400-600 characters online, with ~1000+ spikes on week-end nights and ~200+ troughes at 8-9 AM ST [0]. Most of those characters are level 60 (representing about 40% of online characters level >20 in the last 7 days [1]) and a minority is leveling (about 30-100 characters per level once >20 in the last 7 days) with some great disparities (over twice as many level 20-29 than level 50-59).
This leads to a situation where most of the leveling players do not meet other players, and thus do not do PvP and are mostly alone (unless they level as a guild or with friends). At least in my experience and from what I could get from interviews, world channel and forums. There are exceptions like Stranglethorn and Tanaris perhaps because of the wide level range, because quests overlap, because it is a contested zone, because of neutral quests and shared NPCs and due to the amount of level 30-50 characters. Overall my impression is that world PvP at level 1-50 doesn't happen much unless the players actively look for it or spend great amount of time in their respective zones. Admittedly I spent few time leveling which may bias my perceptions.

Past level 50 the chances to find PvP opportunities increase as the zones are now also useful for level 60 players, they can herb there (lotus, dreamfoil, silversage), mine there (thorium, arcanite), farm gold or mats for gear (essences, skins), push reputation levels (Argent Dawn, Thorium Brotherhood, Cenarion Circle), reach dungeons or raids, etc. As such the Plaguelands, Winterspring, Blackrock Mountains, Searing Gorge, Un'goro and Silithus have a small share of PvP. Silithus is a peculiar example as both PvE and PvP players have strong reasons to come (gear on summoned bosses, BiS Cenarion Circle bracers, sandworm meat for melee raiders, Silithyst dust farming to keep PvP ranks [See Comic 2]).
Blackrock mountain PvP, perhaps the one I like most when I don't get crushed by 20+ raiders hidden behind a wall.
Other situations include world bosses like Azuregos and Kazzak, every couple of days, where guilds can fight eachother assuming they play at the right hours. There is some talk about this aspect of vanilla on private servers because accounts are free, which has lead to players creating many alts to both summon, check if world bosses are alive or help wipe raids (of the same or of other factions) [1]. This situation leads to questions such as : Is it correct to allow that many players to prevent both sides from killing a raid boss. And is it still Blizzlike? Should moderators intervene? What about how the community lives it?
A peculiar example of World PvP preparation. Those are all alts to either detect world bosses, summon guild members or suicide on Kazzak.
Even then the right conditions have to be met, if you are farming silversage at 8AM ST in Winterspring it is very unlikely that you will meet anyone. To give another example I wanted to make a world PvP video at level 60 some time ago, yet I never finished it. The problem was that even when I played during peak hours in the right zones I met few Alliance players, or sometimes even none.

samedi 23 janvier 2016

Moving to comicfury

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The Kronos comics have now moved to Comicfury. Indeed this webpage host allows me much more freedom in the layout and pages of the comics. This also means going from one to another gets easier, I can make a favicon, play around with chapters and such and I can finally implement that random-page tool! :D

Note that a couple older drawings I hadn't yet shared were added to Comicfury when I moved.

Kronos comics, now on an irregular schedule, exams are incoming.

jeudi 21 janvier 2016

Kronos comic 51

Kronos is looking for bugtesters, great time to show your support!

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Kronos comics, now on an irregular schedule, planning 1-3/week. Likely a bit less those days, exams are incoming :S .

dimanche 17 janvier 2016

Kronos comic 50

Context : PvP tournament yesterday  http://forum.twinstar.cz/showthread.php/102959-1v1-Tournament
Brochette kited Teremus up to the arena.

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Getting some tries with shadows and stuff. Unconvinced but I'll keep trying. Future will tell.

Kronos comics, now on an irregular schedule, planning 1-3/week.

samedi 16 janvier 2016

Kronos comic progression

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Something of a special comic today, you get a glimpse on how I do them, or more precisely how I might end up doing them :D . (hint : It's a very organized mess)

Kronos comics, now on an irregular schedule, planning 1-3/week.

vendredi 15 janvier 2016

mercredi 13 janvier 2016

Kronos comic 47

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TL;DR : There are huge amounts of warlocks everywhere on Kronos and some players are using them to get instant summons for free. A game mechanic is getting ignored (getting around the world), players couldn't do that, at least on this scale in Vanilla due to account limits and real costs and thus devs decided to put limitations on summons. Warlocks can no longer summon characters 15 level higher than them. Different solutions are discussed and here is one.

(see http://forum.twinstar.cz/showthrea…/103423-Warlock-Summoning)

Kronos comics, now on an irregular schedule, planning 1-3/week.

lundi 11 janvier 2016

Kronos comic 46

Level 20 warlock alts can no longer summon players to Kazzak and world bosses. What will happen now?

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Kronos comics, now on an irregular schedule, 1-3/week.

Kronos comic 45

Chero, Kronos project leader now also in chibi form! Welcome the chibi overlord!

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I have been invited to post my comics on the official Facebook page of the Kronos Wow project !!! That's a great honor for me, a further step for the comics and I am very thankful for the Kronos team's interest in my work and for their generous offer :D .

The comics will continue to be found on the Kronoscomics Facebook page and on Progression-annexe but they will be posted in a more irregular way than before.

I remain mostly free to draw what I feel like and incoming comics shall make it clear. Very clear actually. And the layout might change a little.

Thank you for your support :D

Kronos comic 44

Retail players current knowledge of Kronos WoW.

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Kronos comics will now appear on an irregular way, current plan being 1-3 per week. Reason being studies and a little something special that I shall announce at 15pm today.

vendredi 8 janvier 2016

Kronos comic 41

Ghost mushrooms 1 gold per unit, 15 minutes respawn, who could resist?

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Kronos comics planned every day at 9am CEST.

jeudi 7 janvier 2016

Kronos comic 40

Check out the PvP tournament, planned to happen on the 16th January 2016 @ 14:00 ST.

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Kronos comics planned every day at 9am CEST.

mercredi 6 janvier 2016

Kronos comic 39

Sometimes only looking at the release plans make me wish I was much into the future.
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Kronos comics planned every day at 9am CEST.

mardi 5 janvier 2016

Increasing the Kronos population, announcement idea

[This is not an official statement, rather it is an idea of what I would consider an encouraging yet realistic statement about the state and future of Kronos]

Dear Kronos players,

Our population numbers have been steadily getting lower over time [1, 2]. Since the beginning of November 2015 we have seen about 20 less players level 40-60 per week on average. While we have released MC, BWL and ZG, fixed over 3300 bugs, solved over 290 abuse reports, after over 180 Hakkar and 200 Nefarian kills, with more than 3900 unique level 60 characters, countless hours of work and multiple updates done over this past year those efforts had few effect on the population itself.

We believe that to have an even better experience on Kronos a higher amount of players should be sought and we are convinced that those that know best how to find the right words to describe their great adventures and this incredible community are the players themselves.

As such we encourage all Kronos players to talk about Kronos to their friends, communities and game partners on Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and on gaming forums they may be following or attending. We believe finding over 20 more players per week is reasonable goal for our 1400+ weekly active players. While a single effort might bring only small changes, a entire server can move mountains.

For this particular occasion we have decided to reward the players for their support. All characters level 20+ created before the 05-01-2015 will receive a special Kronos Elder Tabard made for this occasion. Also, all players that post on external forums (but not on other server's forums) about the Kronos server and send a message to KronosEfforts@twinstar.cz with proof of their efforts will receive a Blue Murloc Egg to follow them on their adventures, an in-game and forum title <Defender of Kronos> and then +15 Stars for each subsequent post on different forums*. Efforts to help players have an easier leveling will also be encouraged and supported and a hall of fame on our website will display the names of those who contributed.This offer will be available until March 2016 or until we reach a satisfactory amount of weekly players.

This does not mean that we will do nothing, we will indeed increase our efforts at making sure your experience on Kronos remains the best as possible, with great quality scripts, frequent bugfixes, no bots or hackers and many friendly and understanding players. We will continue to do our best and follow our core philosophies, while releasing engaging content on schedule.

May your days be well, the future of Kronos lies in your hands.

*This offer only stands if the post is not spam, too short, repetitive, etc.


Also, broadcast the announcement on the forums, main website, Reddit, send in-game email to all players, post on Facebook and add to login information when players connect on Kronos

While it may lead to even more players leaving by giving the impression that the server is crashing it also acknowledges the current situation with specific numbers (less alarming than "population getting lower") and encourages hype and helpful behaviours. The hall of fame encourages some competition in sharing about Kronos. It is possible that a special tabard and title may feel too unblizzlike, but it is also only cosmetic. Anyway, rewards, wording, details can be discussed, changed, removed, etc. It is an idea, not anything definitive or supported by the Kronos staff.

If interested, discuss this idea on the Kronos forums.

[See other articles about Vanilla]

Kronos comic 38

See the Kronos announcement.

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Kronos comics planned every day at 9am CEST.

dimanche 3 janvier 2016

Trying Nostalrius

Out of curiosity I started playing a human mage on Nostalrius (PvE server) and I hit level 10, I was interested in the differences I would notice compared with Kronos and how far I would make it.
The very first thing I noticed were the players, about 10 different players were leveling in Northshire, some AFK and others fighting, running or waiting for a respawn and many more in Goldshire and during my quests. The world channel was very active, with players looking for BFD, Stockades, BRD, ZF and many UBRS at the same time. A /who tells me there is about 1700 total players online (that's already more than Kronos's peaks and I wasn't playing at peak time). This high population would also mean that it is likely I would find players for a dungeon or quest at any hour. I did notice a couple trolls on the channels (yes, people even talk on the General channel here) but overall during my 3 hours of leveling the players were mostly respectful to eachother and civil.

I grouped up to kill some defias with a long respawn (I don't think I ever had to wait for a respawn on Kronos, but it didn't take too long anyway), both a paladin and a priest greeted me and saved my life twice when killing kobolds, a paladin thanked me for getting some kobolds off of him, I got buffed up in cities and a mage spontaneously decided to share the content of a chest that was nearby with me. I have to say my impressions about the community are pretty good for a start.

The players are there but there is also something more, french, czech and chinese players and even communities or guilds with specific language. Assuming I was talking a particular language then Nostalrius would have been a better choice, it gives more opportunity to find players from the same countries.

Stormwind felt very alive with players running to it and from it and the auctioneers were busy.  Interestingly the items for leveling players had a somewhat low price and some blue weapons were sold for over 200+ gold. I guess it had to do with the timeline and the recent release of the server (2015/10/17).

After talking a bit on /say I got a strange bug that prevented me from using anything but emotes to communicate, it got me wondering if I had gotten muted, but I don't see a reason why (?). A great point to take note of : Group loot worked (on Kronos it was mostly the first one to loot that can take everything if it is not of uncommon quality or over)! A couple gnolls, defias and kobolds weren't linked together and did not come to attack me together when I pulled and I did get some delay when casting spells at times, nothing gamebreaking for me.

I noticed that creatures did use some kind of pathing, just like on Kronos and did not go through barriers, a good point which allows kiting. Unfortunately the trees and many kinds of walls did not block line of sight which made any cave a disgusting pain to clear, with kobolds and spiders getting aggro from anywhere and preventing me from abusing line of sight to interrupt their casting. I died many times and the rapid respawns did not help when it takes a minute to clear an area only to get them again on my face before I can loot the chest/pickup quest items. The creatures and monstrers did not get slower when low on health which further increased their difficulty as a mage.

All of this actually reminded me very much of my first steps in Vanilla back in the days and... made me want to quit, just like before. Good point for blizzlike feeling, bad one for fun.

The good :
  • Lots of players, the zones feel alive, easy to make groups
  • It is likely possible to do most of the content at any hour
  • Active world and general channel, globally positive attitude
  • Friendly community from my experience
  • French, chinese and specific language communities
  • There is lots of content on the auction house, with decent prices
  • Group loot works for trash items
  • Creature pathing (although sometimes a bit broken in caves)
The bad :
  • I couldn't communicate for over 30 minutes, for no known reasons
  • Some kobolds and defias do not attack together when pulled
  • Trees and many objects don't block line of sight and spellcasting, very painful in caves
  • Rapid respawns before I could clear a zone
  • Creatures don't get slower when low on health
The mixed :
  • I had to wait a bit for some monsters to respawn
  • Sometimes short spell casting delay
[See other articles about Vanilla] 

Kronos comic 36

The Kronos leadership guidelines simplified.

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A small test of Nostalrius this afternoon at 17pm CEST.

samedi 2 janvier 2016

Idea : Rent a tank

Full SFK group after 2x tries on different days and 45 minutes of whispering/asking.
Many players are still leveling and doing dungeons, yet sometimes they don't have a tank or have trouble finding one. Asking on the world channel, on guild chat and whispering players of the appropriate level range can help, but it is not always enough. As an example, when I did RFC, WC, BFD and SFK on my hunter alt at the end of December it took about 5 hours total to make those groups and start the dungeons.

What if it was possible to rent a tank at any hour?

Someone (or many different players, perhaps with some kind of incentive or reward for making it) could make an account and create a level X tank (warrior, druid), with green gear and empty small bags and then use the command to block experience gain. The account could then be freely shared with players that would like to use it with some system to prevent abuses (eg: depositing Y gold/items before using it, required pledge/referral from a high-level character, posting on the forums with an in-game screenshot of the character that would like to play it, etc.).

Once the dungeon run has been done the password of the account would be changed and the offer would be up again.


[See other articles about vanilla wow and Kronos]

Kronos comic 35

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Small blogpost about a rent a tank idea at 17pm CEST.

*I updated the blog, left/right arrows can now be used to see the previous and next posts, it also works with the kronoscomic label*

vendredi 1 janvier 2016

Short experiment : Do players level 6-15 know about the world channel?

While asking players for advices if they were starting out on Kronos and interviewing them I got quite a few that suggested joining the world channel to not feel alone, to find a guild and to make groups. This made me wonder, do low-level and starting players already know about this channel?
The world channel : A mix of players looking for others, dungeons, quests, guilds, recruiting, questions, selling items, and miscellaneous discussions.
To find out I whispered a hundred (n=100) different level 6-15 players on my alts (level 6 and 28, Alliance and Horde) with a standard message :
" Hello, do you know about the world channel? By typing /join world you can chat with many on the server and make groups/sell items/etc. "
 Here are the results :
  • 61 (61%) did not answer at all
  • 1 (1%) did not understand because he talked russian only
  • 1 (1%) answered but never specified if he knew about the world channel
  • 19 (19%) said they knew it already
  • 18 (18%) said they didn't know about it and discovered it with my whisper
This means that out of those that did specify whether they knew about it (n=37), about 50% did know and 50% did not. This feels like a low amount to me, but it is also a very low level and maybe they get to know about it at some point afterwards. Besides I am surprised by the very low amount of answers (only 39% for a question that can be answered by a yes/no), but this is very much in line with the answer rate I had got by using in-game mails with my PvP poll (also 39%). Also, my whisper might have needed a different wording to increase the chances of getting an answer.

Admittedly the world channel is not a perfect magic tool, some despise it, others love it. But it is a tool that can be of much use to new players and assuming we do have a great community (one of our selling points) then we should likely try to drive players on this channel. Maybe some actions could help make it more well-known among level 6-15 players, like a hint about it on the Kronos registering webpages or with systematic whispering by players.

Thinking of this, why wouldn't there be a channel for specific for dungeons or leveling on Kronos? Would that not work?

[See other articles about Vanilla]

Kronos comic 34

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Small blogpost about the world channel at 17pm CEST.